Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blog Post 6

The Networked Student

picture of teacher

This is a video created by Wendy Drexler; you can watch it here. This video talked about the idea of connectivism. Connectivism is a newer learning strategy in which the teacher is not just someone to read lessons out of a book, but acts as a change agent in her classroom. In this classroom a teacher acts more as guide and model to her students. She shows here students how to sort out good and bad information, teaches them how to research, guides them in making their PLN, and helps them to connect to others around them.
I like the idea of teacher being more of a model for their students. Give them guidence and direction and allow them the freedom to really discover and learn on their own. I know this is controversial and there are many arguments against it, but I think it's something that should really be explored. I mean parents are advised to teach their children what is right and wrong, but they know they have to allow them to ultimately decide on their own, they must be allowed to spread their wings, otherwise they'll never fly. Our students are the same way. We must be a model to them, a guide, and support. And we can only hope that when they jump they can fly.

A 7th Graders Personal Learning Environment

circle of people representative of a personal learning network

This was a video tour of a 7th Graders PLE (or PLN). You can watch it here. It was great to look a her PLE it made me realize how useful they can be for a student's education. It also made me want to work on mine some more! This student could access a variety of information about her class from one symbaloo page. She could access her class blog to see information about what they would be doing in class that day. How cool is that? Students have the opportunity to know what class will be about before they even get there. That allows for students to be prepared and bring a ground knowledge of the subject matter into the classroom. I think that is every teachers dream. She also used her own blog to post reflections of the days class.
She also used her PLE as a useful research tool. She shared projects she created with others and was able to keep all her resources for a particular project in her Delicious page. She even emailed and skyped scientist regarding her project.
In summary, I strongly believe this could be an amazing tool for any student. Student could learn so much by having a PLE. But like most good things it requires work, but it will be work well done!

Critiques of Smartboards

smartboard and teacher

Hmm...this one was interesting. For this assignment I read to articles: Why I Hate Interactive Whiteboards by Bill Ferriter and Why Smartboards are a Dumb Initiative by Michael Staton. At first I was shocked by the fact that anyone could hate Smartboards, I've never had the pleasure of using one myself, but all the teachers seem to love them. And they are working towards the goal of a technologically advanced classroom, right?
As shocking as this may be to all of you I agree with some of the things these bloggers were saying. In a lot of ways the smartboard does seem to be a glorified whiteboard/projector. I mean it's cool and all, but what is it really changing? Has education gotten better because of their prescence? Well, we don't know as it seems no one really asks that question. As Mr. Staton pointed out, a smartboard doesn't change the way teachers teach. It is still the same old lecture and notetaking learning procedure. Yes, smartboards are cool, but as I've said time and time again technology won't change anything without a teacher willing to break the mold and think outside the box. Heck blow the stinking box up! Without changing our way of thinking smartboards will just be thousands of dollars flushed down the drain.


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